Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hmmm . . . Dunno What To Say

hmmm . . .
bru la akoew tau mcm mnew nye rsew klau bcnta nie . . . 
knp laa klau bcnta kene hdapi sume ksdihan nie . . .
xleh kew klau org bcnta hdup bhagia . . .
akoew tgk org laen bcnta akoew suke . .
tpi dlm hti , yg allah yg thu . . .
why the world is so cruel  ! ! !
hmm . .akoew pown xtaw r . . . 
akoew nk sgt jdi mcm org laen , hdup bhgia . . 
dgn psangan di0rang . . tpi mybe akoew nie x layak . . 
hnye dye jela yg taw sape diri akoew yg sbnar . . . 
ya allah ya tuhan ku , kau kuatkan lah semangat ku utk 
truskan kehidupan di dunia mu ini ya allah . . 
amin . . 


  1. people are cruel..not the world..
    hey,its ok la..u r still young..
    relationship tak sepatotnye jadi a big matter till affect ur life..
    love towards special gf/bf should be the second or third thing in ur life..
    letak tepi dl..boleh nk couple2 ni tp jgn la smpi bg kesan sgt2 dlm hidup kite..
    anything happen,life must go on..
    nothing can stop that fact except death..
    ramai lagi yg sayang capik dlm dunia ni..
    if bukan die,maybe org lain..
    take it easy man..
    hehe.. :)

  2. haha . .
    i will take it easy . .
    thanx . .
